Tenet 4: Health 3.0 Balances Part and Whole
Tenet 4: Health 3.0 Balances Part and Whole. All things are parts of a whole. We find this understanding everywhere from the perennial philosophy of the world’s religious traditions, and the secular [...]
Tenet 3: Health 3.0 is about Both Exteriors AND Interiors
Tenet 3: Health 3.0 is about Both Exteriors AND Interiors. It’s the holiday season. And the Thanksgiving holiday is upon us. What is Thanksgiving to you? You might respond by describing the [...]
Tenet 2 (Continued): The Personal and Non-personal in Practice in Health 3.0
Tenet 2 (Continued): The Personal and Non-personal in Practice in Health 3.0. I wrote briefly in a previous post about one of the attending physicians of the neurocritical ICU who looked after [...]
Tenet 2: Health 3.0 is both personal and non-personal.
Tenet 2: Health 3.0 is both personal and non-personal. In my last post I introduced the first tenet of Health 3.0: uniqueness. Let’s continue with the next tenet: the importance of both [...]
The Tenets of Health 3.0
The Tenets of Health 3.0. In a previous post, I introduced a framework for the future of medicine called Health 3.0. I distinguish it from Health 1.0 — where we’ve been in medicine — and Health 2.0 — where [...]
Health 3.0: Where Medicine Needs to Go
Health 3.0: Where Medicine Needs to Go. The rip-off Have you or any of your loved ones experienced our health care system lately? If so, how was that experience for you? [...]