Enough. "You just felt this huge mass in your belly now?” That’s what I asked my father about six months ago. He called that morning to tell me he was feeling something [...]
Join the Health 3.0 Navy
Join the Health 3.0 Navy. The picture above is my own neighborhood. Our home stayed dry, but many of my neighbors weren’t so fortunate. Many have been so generous in donating [...]
Tenet 6.7: Health 3.0 is Antifragile – Skin in the Game of Health Care
Tenet 6.7: Health 3.0 is Antifragile – Skin in the Game of Health Care. I’m naked and exposed now. And that’s the way I want it to be. After running my gastroenterology [...]
Tenet 6.6: Health 3.0 is Antifragile – The Neomania and Noise of Health 2.0
Tenet 6.6: Health 3.0 is Antifragile – The Neomania and Noise of Health 2.0. The Health 2.0 Meetup group in town was all about the new era of health care. An [...]
Tenet 6.5: Health 3.0 is Antifragile – Hormesis in Health Care
Tenet 6.5: Health 3.0 is Antifragile – Hormesis in Health Care. There is nothing more Finnish than a sauna. There is nothing less Finnish than me. But I’ve become fascinated with [...]
Tenet 6.4: Health 3.0 is Antifragile – The Via Negativa Approach
Tenet 6.4: Health 3.0 is Antifragile – The Via Negativa Approach. I often feel like we’re making health care reform way too complicated. We can become more antifragile in health AND [...]